Blank pages, light, and inspiration
The special lamp that accompanies my reading

A while ago I bought this decorative lamp shaped like a book. When you open the book, the blank pages light up. I love opening it and setting it on the living room table in winter, when days are short and light is scarce. It allows me to escape the darkness and be sucked into bookish delights.
Just imagine that when reading a good book, light radiates out of its pages and shines on your face. Isn’t that what happens, on a spiritual level ?
My book lamp’s pages are blank, just like a notebook. And when I stare into a blank notebook, I get this feeling of infinite potential. You can write anything in it, the possibilities are endless.
Looking at a newborn baby and wondering at all she can be draws out a similar kind of awe. What will she write on the blank pages of her life ? Everything is still possible.
As we grow up and mature, the remaining blank pages decrease, but our ability to write purposefully increases. Limitations give value to what is left. We become more intentional with this masterpiece we’ve been given.
I rest my gaze on my book lamp. I feel like picking up a book and exposing my eyes to its wisdom. Our human eyes only see when there is light. I long to transmit this urge to read, to learn and to develop oneself, to grow in experience and understanding.
Just as with lighting candles, my book lamp sets the atmosphere, transforming reading into a holy moment, where both the physical light and the spiritual light relay each other. Putting the book down and seeing the light get trapped in it has a remarkable effect : it signs me up for the next reading session.