Dirty Glass And The Effects Of Neglect
Not urgent, but important

My eyes fell on the dirty glass pane above our glass door leading to the court. Oops, I had missed that one when I washed the glass door. I’m struck how the dirt blurs the vision of the trees behind, and doesn’t allow as much light in as the door below.
Instantly I wonder where other such settings display in my life. Small places I forgot to « clean » and which keep the light out and blur my vision of things beyond. One area of neglect that springs to mind is my delay in cancelling the €5/month subscription to a phone service I didn’t really need, but which we had for 15 years. When I did the calculation, I was shocked to realize that we had paid €900, and quickly called to cancel our subscription.
What looked like a small, insignificant sum, had turned into a substantial amount over 15 years. Like a bit of dust setting slowly on the glass pane. We are so busy taking care of what seems urgent and important, that we end up neglecting what seems non urgent and unimportant. And yet it was important, because we ended up paying for this neglect.
The glass pane above the door is out of reach unless I get the steps. Later. Another time. It’s not urgent. It’s just a small glass pane above a big glass door. In the same way, the €5 seemed insignificant in the broader setting of managing my finances.
In both cases, the decision to take action only came when I got shocked : « hey, this is important in the long run ».
Now, enough writing. What else needs cleaning ? Where are those steps ? It’s going to shine today.