My excuse for not going outside
How an obligation helped me go for a walk

It’s been raining in Belgium for ever so long, keeping us from gardening and going for spring walks. At least, that’s what I tell myself and others. I ache for these activities as I look out of the window, watching the grey sky release drops of disappointment.
Yesterday however, I decided to brave the weather and walk to the library to return some books. My backpack lighter, I headed home. At the junction, I could choose the quick, noisome and polluted way home or the greener, quieter, longer way home. The rain was light. I chose the detour. Though the sun wasn’t smiling on them, the blossom-filled trees and bushes still felt welcoming. As I gazed at the volume of new growth, I felt a barren place in my heart get filled. A splendid display of azaleas coloured the frozen parts of my soul back to life. I stopped to enjoy their beauty.
The rain no longer had any impact. In fact, it had never had any impact. It was I who allowed my thoughts about the rain to influence me, to deter me from going out. I blamed the rain, though the rain itself didn’t condemn me to staying inside. That got me thinking about external circumstances and internal causes. I had allowed an external circumstance to cause me to refrain from doing what I liked, because “it wouldn’t be enjoyable”. I was now proved wrong by my experience. It had been an enjoyable walk, despite the rain.
This is how I got past those thoughts that were locking me inside : by inventing an obligation to go to the library. Thoughts get stuffy when I stay inside. It’s time to blow some fresh air into my minds by going for a walk. Care to join?