You add such value with your articles Jacquline, thanks for exploring what lies underneath the surface and inviting us to go with you.
Being a hard worker can also be a means to escape pain or feelings of unworthiness. My coach told me that the children of immigrants, the first generation born in the land of destination, have a psychological need to work hard to justify their place in the country where their parents settled.
I can relate to the shutting out of emotions as a way to protect one's self. And how hard it is to identify them when they do pop up. As if by shutting them out, they kind of get all mixed and confused.
I think my shutting out emotions was partly due to wanting to remain in control, and emotions can be scary in that sense. But I'm learning to give them space and see them as allies, not as enemies.
Thanks for encouraging us to focus on the invisible! Love ❤️